May the 4th: Sila je jaka na Twitteru
- 4. svibnja 2016.
Kao što svi ljubitelji pop-kulture znaju, danas se obilježava svjetski dan Ratova zvijezda ili May the fourth. Fanovi slavne sage sigurno će danas po tko zna koji put pogledati neki od filmova iz slavne franšize, a oni angažiraniji najvjerojatnije će se i prošetati gradom u kostimima omiljenih junaka. Naravno, već tradicionalni filmski praznik obilježavaju i korisnici Twittera diljem svijeta koji uvijek rado poprate i komentiraju dnevne aktualnosti – često na vrlo duhovit i zabavan način. Evo izbora nekoliko tvitova iza kojih stoje privatni korisnici ili brandovi, a koji su nam danas zapeli za oko.
Doručak šampiona.
Officially the best day of the year for Breakfast! ⏰?#MayThe4thBeWithYou #starwars
— GamesYouLoved ❤️ (@gamesyouloved) May 4, 2016
Chewbacca u viktorijanskome izdanju elegantan je kao i uvijek.
Check out our #StarWars #fanart pages on FB. This Victorian #Chewbacca is by @igo2cairo #MayThe4thBeWithYou
— Stan Winston School (@SWinstonSchool) May 4, 2016
Oscar Isaac a.ka. Poe Dameron ima dobar osjećaj za ritam (a to smo se uvjerili još u Ex Machini).
Get your galactic groove on. #MayThe4thBeWithYou
— Music (@RedBull_Music) May 4, 2016
Nismo ni sumnjali da u svijetu tenisa ima Jedija.
Actually, Federer and Nadal are Jedi masters #MayThe4thBeWithYou
— We Are Tennis (@WeAreTennis) May 4, 2016
Čini se da su stormtrooperi vješti u surfanju… Barem neki.
#MayThe4thBeWithYou – Because why wouldn't you want to see Storm Troopers surfing the Severn bore. (Thanks @BBCGlos)
— BBC Radio Bristol (@bbcrb) May 4, 2016
Millennium Falcon bas gitara je sve što nam treba!
This unequivocally the rebel bass I was looking for. #MayThe4thBeWithYou
— Liam Barrett (@LiamBarrettEsq) May 4, 2016
I Bruce Lee je bio Jedi, naravno.
#MayThe4thBeWithYou all my amazing padawans! Do or Do not, there is no try.
— Joe (@MrJoeExtreme) May 4, 2016
Čuvajte šume!
Destroyed the trees, we have.
Be a Rey of light for forests >> #MayThe4thBeWithYou
— Greenpeace UK (@GreenpeaceUK) May 4, 2016
That’s no moon!
Campus is looking beautiful this morning. Wait…that's no moon! #MayThe4thBeWithYou
— Loughborough Uni (@lborouniversity) May 4, 2016
Jedi Darcy!
May the Firth be with you. #MayThe4thBeWithYou -b
— Drunk Austen (@Drunk_Austen) May 4, 2016
Tako blizu, a tako daleko.
Nailed it!#HappyStarWarsDay#MayThe4thBeWithYou
— Michael Clarke (@Mr_Mike_Clarke) May 4, 2016
Nije Ewok, već panda.
Right I've got to get on with some work… I'm outta here 😉 #MayThe4thBeWithYou
— Mark (@rawlimark) May 4, 2016
Sky Movies se zbilja potrudio.
Happy #MayThe4th!
We made a little video to celebrate ?
Enjoy your #StarWarsDay, and #MayThe4thBeWithYou!
— Sky Movies (@skymovies) May 4, 2016
May the 4th be with you!